After years of research the official project paper is released.
Learn more about the methodology, results and international rollout of the project here!
KWR shares promising first data measurements
In spring 2020 all sensors in the CitySports research-fields came online and have recorded some impressive results already. In the middle of one of the hottest periods, on June 25 around mid-day, the surface temperature of the conventional synthetic turf was 62.2oC degrees and the cooled synthetic turf with 35.9oC degrees, just 1 oC warmer than the natural grass (34.9oC, see graph 1).

Graph 1
Surface temperatures of three test-pitches at Marineterrein in Amsterdam from June 23rd to 27th. In orange the conventional synthetic turf, in purple the capillary cooled synthetic turf and in green the natural grass surface temperature.
Secondly, on that same day, the lysimeters recorded that the capillary cooled synthetic turf evaporated less water than natural grass (3.8 mm versus 7.2 mm), but almost 8 times more than conventional synthetic turf (only approx. 0.5 mm). The capillary cooled synthetic turf appears to be capable of cooling itself just like natural grass, while using only about halve the amount of water per day (Graph 2).
Graph 2
Evaporation (mm/day) measured in the 3 test fields, during three days without rain, in the period June 23rd-25th. In orange the conventional synthetic turf, in purple the capillary cooled synthetic turf and in green the natural grass surface temperature.

Furthermore, data shows that the conventional synthetic turf drains scarce rainwater almost immediately, while the Permavoid subbase has been able to store almost all rainwater, just like a natural grass field, to use it again for evaporative cooling (see Graph 3).

Graph 3
Percentage of retained rainwater in the three different research field in the period June 1st to July 8th. In orange the conventional synthetic turf, in purple the capillary cooled synthetic turf and in green natural grass.
The fact that the first measurements show that the capillary cooled synthetic turf is capable of withstanding overheating, to remain almost as cool as natural grass, was reported in the media by the City of Amsterdam on behalf of the TKI Project CitySports consortium. The full research results and report are expected end of 2021, after having collected data from two years.